Meet The Team
Who do I see and for what?
Supports patients managing long-term conditions and leads on screening and immunisation programmes.
Provides overarching responsibility for patent care and handles most serious, acute, and complex issues direct.
Healthcare Assistant
Works within the nursing team, providing hands-on care eg. dressings, blood pressures. ECGs and many more diagnostic processes.
Nursing Associate
Work with healthcare support workers and registered nurses to deliver care for patients and the public.
Physician Associate
Support doctors in the diagnosis and management of patients.
Community Nurse
Provide an important educational and advisory service for patients and families.
Clinical Pharmacist
Having a clinical pharmacist in the GP team means you can be treated by the best person to meet your needs.
Pharmacy Technician
Works under licensed pharmacist to prepare and dispense medications to patients and medical providers.
Medical/GP Assistant
Provide a support role, carrying out administrative tasks, combined in some areas with basic clinical duties.
Mental Health Practitioner
Their role is to build effective relationships with people who use mental health services, and also with their relatives and carers.
Social Prescriber
Not a clinician, but can advise on service availability, signposting patients to the appropriate clinician, supporting patients in access to social services.
First Contact Practitioner
Relatively new role in the NHS. Initially will involve providing physiotherapy advice/remedies, but will eventually expand to psychology and paramedic task providers.
Undertakes most blood-taking functions, thus avoiding unnecessary hospital visits.